May 06, 2015

Life So Far in CA

We have been in California for about 4 months now and things have finally gotten to a point where we are feeling a little more settled and ok with how things are going.
Our last pictures as Colorado residents
Our first picture in California
First, the good! The weather here is amazing! It is sunny most days and for the past month or so it has been somewhere in the 70s or 80s. I don't miss the snow one bit! Since we aren't quite sure how long we will be living here, we try to take advantage of all the wonderful things to do around us. We've been to some beaches, a couple of zoos, and San Francisco. We are grateful to be so close to these places that so many people have to travel far to get to see and experience.

We also found out we are having a baby boy! Penny took a little bit of time to get adjusted to the fact that she wasn't going to have a sister, but now she is very excited. She has been calling the baby Kai since the beginning and continues to insist that his name will be Kai! She wants to look at and talk to my belly everyday! She talks about sharing her toys and going on adventures with him.

Now for the bad (that ends up being partly a blessing in the long run).  First, my job has not been the best place I have ever worked. To sum up without saying much it just leaves me very stressed and not too happy. Hoping that will change in one way or another next year. Second, I have also been extremely homesick. I didn't think it would be as bad as it is, but I just miss our friends and family terribly. I'm hoping that with more time I will meet some great people out here that I can connect with. Third, and perhaps worst of all, sometime in late February Jessyel unfortunately lost his job. The company was a start up and basically ran out of funding to keep going. It wasn't based on performance, but it still was very hard and emotional. The job was the whole reason we moved here and we found ourselves wondering what the future was going to hold. It has been a very, very long two months of waiting, praying, and wondering what was going to happen in terms of his job and our staying in California or perhaps moving back to Colorado. Thankfully, he has found another job that is much better for our family and is something that he has wanted for a very long time. In the long run it will be much better for us and for Jessyel's future ability to find a job where ever we want to live.  Although it would have been nice to move back home, it is a huge relief and we have been much happier and relaxed!

My school year ends June 17th (which is just horrid that it goes so late) and then we will just have a few more weeks until or little man is born. I'm hoping that the new job is a turning point and things only go up from here!

More adventure to come!