October 28, 2012

Baby Sign Language

We have done a little bit of baby sign language with Penny and they teach it to her at school. I was kind of unsure about it at first, but it really works! When she was still taking a bottle, she would do the sign for milk. Now that she's older, she uses it a lot when she eats. The two we use the most are "more" and "all done". It makes feeding her a lot easier! She also knows "cracker" and we are working on a few more.
All done!

October 14, 2012

Penny's Birthday Party

A child's birthday party is a funny thing. I spent months and months planning Penny's first birthday party and hours putting it all together. When look back at the pictures it's nice to see, but it doesn't look like it would have taken so many hours. And she won't even remember it. :) At least she can look back on the awesome pictures!
We had the wonderful privilege to have Heather Lily from Heather Lily Photography, come and shoot Penny's party. She was amazing and it was nice to not have to worry about one of us missing something while being behind a camera. The shots came out amazing!
So here's t he party in a nutshell! The photo's are in random order,  ran out of patience trying sort them. 
 I made this wreath to hang on our door every year for her birthday.

Balloons to look like a caterpillar

More caterpillar balloons and the keepsake book we had guest sign

Most of the food had little signs that went with the story

Cake close up

Caterpillars made from laterns

Her cake, it was from Walmart and turned out awesome!

The main table

She cried the whole time we sang to her, it was kind of cute

She didn't get into the smash cake too much

Opening present after a nice bath
She was one tired little lady at the end of the day

Penny's First Birthday

I can't believe that Penny's first birthday was over a month ago! Time sure does fly! Her actual birthday was on a Wednesday. I have to admit, I cried a little bit that morning. I just couldn't believe that our tiny baby was already 1 and not really a baby anymore.
Jessyel sent me the cutest picture ever of our little birthday girl.
We tried unsuccessfully to take her out to dinner that night after we picked her up from day care. She cried almost the whole time and we ended up taking our food home in boxes and eating it cold after she went to bed. It's a funny story now! The restaurant gave us some ice cream to take home, I think our waiter felt bad for us, so we gave her that and sang to her that night. Overall, it was a nice day that I'll never forget.