September 07, 2011

The Great Burger Challenge

To pass the time, three weeks before my due date, we set out to find the best burger in Denver. We decided that we would try to go to one place per weekend and the hopefully Penny would arrive!
The first place we went to was My Brother's Bar. The burgers war quite tasty and we felt good about these burgers. Here are the pictures from that night:

The second stop was City Grill. They have won awards for having the best burger in Denver, so we were pretty excited. They burger here were very good. They were sirloin burger and came on really yummy buns. We were not a big fan of the fries here. After City Grill, we decided they had moved into first place. Here are the pictures from that night:

The last stop we made was to Cherry Cricket. This ended up being on my actual due date. I had been on bed rest for three days and Jessyel agreed to break me out for awhile and take me to lunch. I was really hoping that we would leave, eat a burger, and then I would magically go into labor at the perfect time and we could go straight to the hospital. Well, that didn't happen, but we had really awesome burgers. We also really like their fries! Here are the pictures from that day:

After careful consideration, we decided that our favorite burger was at Cherry Cricket. They were really juicy and had a good smokey flavor. And the fries really made it too! In second place was City Grill and a close third was My Brother's Bar. So there you have it! We will be back at Cherry Cricket for another burger soon!

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