July 11, 2011

The Dreaded D-Word

Over the past couple weeks or so, I have started looking into day care centers.  This has been the thing I have dreaded the most about having a baby-besides giving birth.  I can't stand the thought of putting our tiny baby in a center for 8 or 9 hours everyday with someone we basically don't know.  But the reality is, we have to pay for a house and all our other bills, so I have to go back to work.  I get to take 12 weeks off, so she will be a little bigger by the time this all starts.

We are trying to find a place that is close to our house so that Jessyel can drop her off in the morning since he starts work later than me and I can pick her up since I get done earlier in the afternoon.  I feel this is slightly limiting our options, but we have found a couple that we could live with.

The first two, I went to by myself.  I cried on the way there and on the way home from both places.  In between the two visits, I had to pick out paint colors for the nursery which almost resulted in a total breakdown inside Babies R Us.  But I made it through.

It's very easy to know where we don't want her to go.  The hard part is picking a place that we like and feel comfortable with but at the same time doesn't cost a fortune.  One place I went to was very nice, however the monthly cost is almost as much as our mortgage.

I guess at this point, we sort of have one picked out.  We just have to bite the bullet and chose one.  I already dread the day when this actually has to start.

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