August 27, 2011

The nursery

Here is our sweet baby's nursery.

View from the door.

The crib, which I absolutely love!!

Bookshelf complete with lions!

The worlds most expensive dresser.

Basket of toys

Coordinating light switch

View from the other side of the room.

There are still a couple more things we want to get, like letters for her name and Jessyel wants to get some kind of baby star wars art to hang up. But, it's ready for her!!

August 26, 2011

Today's the day!

Today's my due date.  So far, nothing!  I went to the doctor earlier this week and my blood pressure was slightly elevated.  I think that if I was ok with being induced, they would have sent us to the hospital right then and there.  Instead, I have been on bed rest since Tuesday night.  I went back for another appointment on Wednesday.  They did an ultrasound and everything looked good!  I think this baby is going to have a lot of hair because we could see if floating in the fluid in the picture.  I guess that must be why my heart burn has been so bad!  They checked my blood pressure again and it had gone down!  I also lost 4 pounds overnight.  I guess I really did need to spend some time just laying around.  I can almost see my ankles again!!  My mom has been a wonderful help since all of this happened!  She's been cooking and cleaning for us and bringing me whatever I need!

Jessyel is on official paternity leave today.  I have very mixed feelings that we are both on leave from work and just sitting around with no baby.  I really didn't want my leave to start until I had the baby.  It's only been three days, which isn't so bad, but I hope she comes soon.

We go back to the doctor on Monday, and I have a feeling I will be induced.  I really don't want to be induced since it most likely means I'll have to get an epidural and it increases the chances of a c-section.  We'll see!  Being on bed rest is not the greatest thing in the whole world, but a least I will be rested up for the big day when it finally arrives.  I just hope it comes sooner than later!